Thursday, 2 July 2015

Lifestyle: July Goals

Another month has passed and it slowly starts to get summer like around some cities. Certainly not here in Cork; because when I look outside all I see is clouds and more clouds. But hey; its my birthday month so who wants to complain :) I have been looking forward to this year in many ways; converts, festivals and new cities to explore. In August I finally made the big step to see one of the F1 races in Belgium; not everyone gets that but as I am quite a big fan of this sport I am really happy that I can go there. This month I do want to try out a few new things; think better and more positive as well as just enjoy every day as it is. What is it about birthdays that makes us think about everything we do even more? Am I alone in this one?
I have been thinking about little things I want to archive this month; so have a look; maybe I can inspire you to do the same...

1. Write down what I eat
Yeah doesnt sound very exciting at first; not at second either. I just think if I want to up my running game again; I need to watch it a bit more closely again. I know the muffins in the morning are not helping me in anyway.

2. Up my running
I have been talking to loads of my friends and colleagues about this; telling them how great I felt running 6-7 times a week; 10K was no problem for me; and after my ankle injury a while back I never really made it back to that. I want to use July to finally run way more again. Now its more a three times a week kinda feeling.

3. Smile 
I hardly laugh out loud and if I do; then its because if something I have read on Social Media. I simply want to smile more; look more friendly to people adn stop the grumps

4. Enjoy the little things
I have been pretty run down these past few months, always going to work and home, tired without really enjoying just walking around town because I can. I really want to enjoy myself more, less stress, less worry just less. And more of fun and laughter!!

5. Share the good things
I always start a conversation with something negative. Oh I am tired but.. I dont.. but... Stop it!! I really want to share the good parts of my life; I am very lucky to be where I am right now and I should be way more grateful of what I have and yes; what I do does matter, so stop worrying already :)

Lots of love, B

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