Thursday, 17 September 2015

Lifestyle: Meeting Must Haves; what are yours?

I think we all know the struggle; having to face meeting after meeting; while keeping our energy levels high as well as keeping focus all day long. Being a organised person myself; I love thise challenges; it basically makes me wake up and get excited even more on such days. But then again it takes a lot of preperation to do so. I always thoughts its funny to read more about such things; like how to stay positive; how I organise myself and many more; now I am then one telling you guys what helps me. Great turn around ;)
I recently have been asked what my Meetings Must Haves are; so
below I have thought of some helpful tips or things you can do to make everything run smoothly.

1. Filofax
First things first; try to get some sort of calender in your hands. Either on your phone; notebook or a filofax like mine above. I think I have mine since fifth great -yeah no kiddn- I changed colours throughout the years; but I always had one. Its great to plan when you have free time and when you might have to run through the day.

2. Outfit
This is for me as important as the other point. I need to plan what to wear during those meetings. The day before I lay out different option and try to find the best suited one. Now it can be smart casual or more strickt; all depending on your outfit on that day. I usually go for a dress; that looks smart and mix it up with my leather jacket if I have a evening dinner included. It just make everything a bit more relaxed in my eyes. Also; big enough handbag. You will need it; trust me ;)
Heels to walk in; I would say if you can walk in them and have worn them before yes; otherwise; why not go for a different option? Wear mid heels or wedges. 

3. Details
What is the saying? The devil lies in the details?
If you know you will walk around all day; and might meet up with friends or colleagues after work as well; plan your foot gear as well as make up in advance as well. Maybe you need to touch on it later in the day; so bring your make up bag as well. Also; no one wants to run out of batterie right? Recently I purchased a portable charger; yes I just gave in. But after hours of being on Instagram or Facbook; trying to get hold of people on the way; this might just save your day.

4. Make up
As a little ad on; dont wear to much make up. It will ruin your face by the end of the day. Maybe start with your usual daily make up routine and then built it up during the day if you have a few meetings running .

A great little detail there; focus on one point that you like; could be your eyes or lips. A great red lip never failed; so if it comes to it; 

I think overall; just make sure you can handle as many meetings a day you have planned; try to get a pamper day in between the week to relax either during sport or a relaxed dinner at home and just enjoy the free time as much as you can.

I think this is about it; I hope you enjoyed this little adventure 
Let me know what you think


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