Its finally time to talk about a product I have been loving so much recently that its become one of my "must have" products. When I think back on my skincare routine in the early days, I always loved new products or cremes that supported what was already there. I never really had bad skin when I was a teenager, and I am glad I can still say that now. I do suffer from breakouts every now and then, but this usually comes from bad food, sugar or stress. So I know how to take care of them and as I mentioned in my last post, theu usually dissapear within 2 days. Lucky me ey? Probably. Thinking of make up I didnt start to early, back in school I had friends that werent allowed to wear eye shadow when being in school and to be honest, it was a big big deal back then to do so. Dont ask me why, because if I see young girls nowadays, I am shocked of how much they wear on their faces. But nevermind. I used to take my make up off with make up wipes, different brands like BeBe or Nivea come to mind on that one, liked the smell and I always thought they did the job. But in the last two years, ever since I probably thought and tried more different brands as well as techniques, I come to invest more in this time of my life as well.

This is where Clinique comes into place. I have been a big "fan" since my early years, because I could afford it and I believed in the products itself. Years later I still have loads of products from them, either make up related, like the pop blush and lip colors or skincare wise, like my rich eye cream as well as this little helper. Clinique -Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm is truely amazing. I first was a bit skeptical; a balm? Wont that make a mess? Maybe around your eyes but at least you look like a little panda by the end of the day. -little side joke there- I usually rinse it off with warm water or make up wipes and then continue my routine. The feeling of the balm is very soft and you really only need a little to get your make up of the day off. Which I think is great, because its a good budget buy for everyone who is sick of baby wipes/make up wipes.
Hope you liked this little review. Lots of love,